10 Tips for Writing a Personal Statement for Postgraduate Courses

Personal Statements

26th September 2023

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10 Tips for Writing a Personal Statement for Postgraduate Courses - Oxbridge Personal Statements

Writing a personal statement is an important part of the application process for postgraduate courses. It’s an opportunity to showcase your qualifications, experiences, and motivations. Here are 10 tips to for writing an impressive personal statement for your postgraduate course:


  1. Start Early: Begin working on your personal statement well in advance to allow ample time for brainstorming, drafting, and revisions.


  1. Read the Guidelines: Carefully review the application guidelines and requirements provided by the institution. Adhere to word or character limits, formatting guidelines, and any specific prompts or questions.


  1. Focus on Your Motivation: Explain why you want to pursue this postgraduate course. What drives your interest in the subject, and how does it relate to your future goals?


  1. Highlight Relevant Experience: Emphasise your academic and professional experiences that are directly relevant to the program. Discuss research, projects, internships, or jobs that demonstrate your qualifications.


  1. Tell Your Story: Share your personal journey and experiences that have shaped your passion for the field. Use anecdotes to make your statement engaging and memorable.


  1. Emphasise Skills and Achievements: Discuss the skills and achievements that make you a strong candidate. This could include leadership roles, awards, publications, or unique experiences.


  1. Connect with the Program: Explain why you’re specifically interested in this program at this institution. Mention professors, courses, research opportunities, or facilities that align with your interests.


  1. Show Self-Reflection: Demonstrate your self-awareness and maturity. Discuss challenges you’ve overcome and how they’ve contributed to your personal and academic growth.


  1. Be Positive and Future-Oriented: Avoid dwelling on negative experiences or criticisms of past institutions. Instead, focus on your aspirations and how this program will help you achieve them.


  1. Edit and Proofread: Carefully proofread your personal statement for grammar, spelling, and clarity. Consider seeking feedback from professors, advisors, or peers.


Bonus Tip: Make sure you tailor your statement and customise it for each program you apply to. Highlight aspects of your background and aspirations that align with each program’s unique strengths and goals.


Remember that your personal statement is a way for the admissions committee to get to know you beyond your grades and test scores. Be authentic, genuine, and enthusiastic about your chosen field of study, and use your personal statement to demonstrate why you are a strong fit for the program.